Thursday, February 9, 2012

Teaching Brass

Teaching Brass Review

Kristian Steenstrup:

Teaching Brass Second Edition

Published at Aarhus University Press

Ass. Professor of trumpet at The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus Kristian Steenstrup has published the book Teaching Brass, which is a scientific exposition on brass technique and - pedagogy.

Trumpet player Kristian Steenstrup (born 1966) received his Diploma Exam at The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus in 1992. He has had additional studies at Northwestern University in Chicago with Vincent Cichowicz and studied privately with Arnold Jacobs and John Henes.

He has played with the major orchestras in Denmark and has been employed as associate professor at The Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus since 2000.

He has given master classes in Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, the Danish Military orchestras, The Guildhall School of Music, London College of Music, The National Music Academy in Estonia and conservatories in Scandinavia a.m.o.

Kristian Steenstrup has been appointed as visiting professor at the London College of Music 2004-2005

149 pages ISBN 87 988393 3 0

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